Destwin® Advanced Risk Management
What is Advanced Risk Management?
Destwin’s Advanced Risk Management gives you the ability to know your margins, eliminate risk, take control of your company’s path. ARM is an advanced tool that allows you to visualize & hedge against risk with unprecedented ease and precision, through a wide array of price projections and sophisticated hedging tools.
Features & Benefits:
- Meet consumer demand
- Expand market share
- Contractual obligation (COAS)
- Process automation
- Risk elimination
- Profit
Ability to support all types of programs
- Incremental Programs
- Seasonal Programs
- Auto-renewal programs
Process automation flow
- Connecting the dots
Website integration
Electronic Contracting
- Electronic signatures
- Agreement of terms and conditions
- Liquidated damages
- Contract logging information
- Contract Exception reporting
- Commercial contracting system
- Integrated Payment Processing
- Credit class checkout
- Integrated Budget Calculations
- Indexed Pricing System
- Margin Matrix
- Customer direct contract enrollment
- Customer designed contract enrollment page
- CSR Contract Creation
- CSR customer control over-rides
Hedging & Risk Management
- Program volume long/short analysis
- Capped position long/short analysis
- Basis exposure analysis
- P&L analysis
- Swap value display
- Mark-to-market valuation*
- Exception Reporting
- Volumetric Forecasting
- Stress Testing
- Weather / Demand Variation Simulation
- Sales Simulations
- Summary Position Reporting