A premier cloud-based hosting service from Destwin deployed at Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Looking to host everything from your backend system to your customer web portal all under one roof? Did you know that Destwin provides a high-performance cloud hosting solution exclusively for energy marketers that are users of Cargas Energy? No annual subscription is required.

Cargas Energy hosting from Destwin is a scalable cloud-based hosting service hosted at AWS for any size user of Cargas Energy.

Cloud hosting from Destwin includes the following:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Hosting – Premier high-performance cloud hosting
  • Microsoft SQL Server Web – License for the appropriately sized system
  • Virtual Private Servers – See the table below for available configurations
  • Managed Server Support – Tech Support, Remote Monitoring and Management, Remote Patch Management, Endpoint Security (Antivirus/Antispyware), Drive Imaging, and Disaster Recovery

For Energy Marketers of All Sizes

Destwin will work with Cargas to provide you with a best practices hosting configuration based on your company’s individual requirements. No matter the size of the fuel dealer – we have a reliable cost-effective configuration tier to fit your specific needs.

  • Basic [0-20 Cargas Users]
  • Extended [21-50 Cargas Users]
  • Growth [51-99 Cargas Users]
  • Pro/Custom [100+ Cargas Users]

Interested in hosting Cargas Energy with Destwin?

Let’s talk! Click the button below to be contacted by our sales team to learn more about hosting with Destwin and to receive your customized quote.

NOTE: Cloud hosting services from Destwin for Cargas Energy users does not include the actual Cargas Energy software. Cloud hosting services from Destwin for Cargas Energy users does not include engagement with Cargas pertaining to the installation and/or maintenance of their portion of the software.